Hatsune Miku
WeLcOmE tO tHe MaIjA wEb !!!
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fafif'i fafwfa

tHiS pAwSoMe WeBsItE iS uNdEr pRoGrAsSsSsS !!!! mAkE sUrE tO lEaVe A cOmMeNt If yOu ViSiT tHiS pAwSoMe PaGe !!! oKbAiIiIiI !!! :P by da way...click on dat ANGEL !!!! B-)

today is...

current affairs?
i am currently...

feeling:The current mood of multichan at www.imood.com
watching: boogiepop phantom
playing: postal
reading: scott pilgrim
listening to: this ^_^
eating: mashed potato
drinking: monster

updated: 2004-12-08

what is this !
dont go up there :,( !

let me know in a comment if you link me & we can be web neighbours!

hotlinking or saving to your device, i don't care.